This week is going to signal the end of my first training phase – 0 to 10 miles in four and a half months (one of those was taken off for injury). I have improved my times consistently over the longer distances from 13 minute miles down to 10 minutes. To date I have basically been following the training guidelines of our running club coach and president – long runs on Saturdays increasing the distance by a mile every two weeks, and running three shorter runs during the week. The program is not much different than those that can be found in the non-runner training books (I have two). So, with some additional reading of various books, magazines and websites I have found a suitable training program to train for the Chevron Houston half marathon being run in January.
Half marathon I hear you say? Yes – it is part of the plan (fingers crossed) to pre-qualify by time for the New York marathon. That is the plan, the goal, but with a disclaimer. The disclaimer reads something like this: if I don't prequalify on time I won't be disappointed. I am more than happy to run for one of the many outstanding charity organization that are out there. In fact, even if I do prequalify I am still thinking I may ask to represent one of those organizations. But, we will see. I think that decision will be made post Houston half marathon.
The new program. It is more intensive, aggressive and a lot smarter. To date I have been running between 18 to 23 miles per week over my four running days. This program incorporates speed work and tempo runs dictating set times and distances. The program is 14 weeks long and will aim to bring me down from a 10 min mile to a consistent 7.58 minute mile over the 13.1 mile half marathon distance. Total weekly distance times won't change that dramatically, as I said previously this program is going to focus on aggressive training with lots of speed work. Cross training will still consist of weight sessions and I am going to add swimming. To assist in recovery I am hoping to include either a weekly or bi-monthly massage to help minimize any injuries.
This is very exciting!! As per usual I will post the weekly schedules on the site and write up post-workout comments in my Daily Mile training log. The program change will take effect from 11 October after a quick trip to Australia and the 10 mile for Texas race. I am totally psyched!
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