Wednesday, August 26, 2009

New routes

I have marked out some new routes as I think I was getting too comfortable with the 4 mile route I have been running. Also as I increase the mileage for the Saturday run I also need to increase some of the weekly ones. It is only 6 weeks until my first race. Although it is only 10 miles I want to be prepared and comfortable with the distance.

The kids have returned to school and this means tighter timings. I suppose I was rather spoilt over summer with the extended time the kids spent in their various camps. There was no rushing to meet any timings for either the drop offs or the pickups. The nursery times for Mstr 2 are pretty unbelievable and I am questioning whether putting him in five days a week was really a good idea. I drop him off at 0815hrs and need to pick him up no later than 1145hrs. The timings and the distance I need to drive to and from the nursery means that I have a few hours to get everything that I need to do done. It also is not a good fit with the post-summer gym schedule. I am hoping that it will only take a short while to get used to.

I am certain that it will all work out. I am excited about the new routes – they are relatively flat so there is potential to maintain a good constant pace.


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